Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lock Bumping and Bump Key History

Lock Bumping Key History

In the 1970's, locksmiths in Denmark shared a technique for knocking or bumping on a lock cylinder while applying slight pressure to the back of the lock plug on the front or back doors of the homes. Newer homes for sale in san clemente will also have the same issues as the older homes. When the pins would jump inside the lock cylinder, the plug would be able to slide out freely and disassemble the lock quickly. The use of a bump key was not introduced until some time later and was first recognized as a potential lock security issue around 2002-2003 in Europe. Now lock bumping and the bump key are sweeping the internet and America.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lock Bumping and the Bump Key

Think you and your family are safe and sound when your front and back doors are locked. Well you better think again!
Lock bumping and the lock bumping keys have changed the game of lock security. Nearly every door to every home in every san clemente neighborhood can be unlocked or opened in a matter of seconds with virtually no noise via lock bumping. Over 90 percent of all doors in America use a pin tumbler lock which is vulnerable to lock bumping. This locking system is so old and outdated that it was patented during the civil war. Lock bumping as it is now called was first discovered during the 1970’s by a small circle of locksmiths in Denmark. However that was then and this is now. With the advent of the internet it was only a matter of time before the technique of lock bumping would reach America and our doors. There is a solution and to protect yourself and your family against the bump key you need to update and replace your old pin tumbler locks with new high security locks. For more information on lock bumping and how to protect you against it, visit our public service site lock bumping .org. Vape Pen


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lock Bumping - Caution

Lock Bumping has been around for many years now. It has just come to the forefront of society due to the internet. It seems that locksmith's have keep a tight lid on the bump key and the pin tumbler lock flaw for many years. The front door so homes are vulnerable. But new house with newer like homes in San Clemente California use the higher security Medeco locks. There are many videos out there that show you how to actually break into some ones house by using this lock bumping technique. I was amazed when I first say one of these videos.

For more information on lock bumping check out Lock Bumping .org a public service site about lock bumping.