Lock Bumping is a technique on how to open 90% of the locks in the world. Locksmiths have known about this for years. The locksmith community has kept a lid on this lock flaw for many years now. However with the advent of the Internet and ability and ease of flowing information the lock bumping key has come to light.
Front door security unless you have a new home say like homes in san clemente with expensive locks such as Schlage primus for added home security. There are many things that you can do to help protect yourself against lock bumping. Many security experts suggest the the same old basic things apply here. Keep your house well lit up, get a dog, replace the old style locks with new bump resistant or bump proof locks.
Here is a look at watch a lock bumping key looks like.
Normal House Key vs.
Lock Bumping Key
Some Bump Resistant Locks:
- Schlage Primus
- MultiLock
- Kiwkset
- BiLock
- Medeco
It is also a good thing to spray some lock lubricant or WD40 into your lock. The lubrican witll make the springs and pins move a lot faster which will create less resistants thereby having them fall back ino place so that they don't stay up in the cylinder which allows it to turn or open and then lock bumping key then works.
Check out Lock Bumping .org a public service site for more information on lock bumping.