Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lock Bumping Key

Lock Bumping Key The lock bumping key on new and older homes for sale and has been around for a while now. Locksmiths in Denmark shared a technique for knocking or bumping on a lock cylinder while applying slight presure to the back of the lock plug. When the pins jump inside the lock cylinder, the plug is able to slide out freely and disassemble the lock quickly. The use of a lock bumping key was not introduced until some time later and was first recognized as a potential home security or lock security issue around 2002-2003 in Europe. This internet has given lock picking hobbiest and theafts easy access to lock bumping keys and lock bumping how to's. You can now find videos on:
  • how to make a lock bumping key
  • how to us bump keys
  • bump key how to make
  • how to bump key a lock
  • how to make a bump key from blank
It is just amazing what people are learning online. When I first learned about lock bumping there where only a few sites out there that you could get information from. But that has all changed now. For more information on the lock bumping key you can visit this public website on lock bumping at Lock Bumping .org

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kwikset Bump Key

Kwikset Bump Key

Bump keys can unlock around 90% of the new homes and their doors in America. Each lock manufacture is essence will have it's own bump key. For instance if your door has a kwikset lock then only a Kwikset bump key will work on a kwikset lock.

A Kwikset bump key is pictured below:  Front door security unless you have a new home say like homes in san clemente with expensive locks such as Schlage primus for added home security. 

Kwikset Bump Key

For more information on lock bumping and bump keys you can visist this public website at Lock Bumping .org

Thursday, July 2, 2009

How Popular is Lock Bumping

Lock bumping as we currently know it has only been around for a few years. It was developed by a few lock-smiths in Europe many years ago. It has only become popular here in America in the last few years. The reason being is the internet, it has basically changed the game of information sharing not only for lock bumping but for many other things as well. What was once a lock-smith’s trade secret is know pretty much common knowledge to a large percentage of the population. There are many lock bumping videos all over the internet along with many sites selling lock bumping keys. There are even special Lock Bumping hammers that are used to strike the lock bumping key. Think about it some one has actually put on paper and manufactured a special type of hammer to whack a key! It is pretty amazing how lock bumping has developed so quickly. It has basically exploded due to the internet and free flowing of information illegal or not.  Front door security unless you have a new home say like homes in san clemente with expensive locks such as Schlage primus for added home security and you try a gated community to help stop the attacks..  There are a few states that make is illegal to carry a lock bumping key unless you are a lock-smith. Try surfing a few of the major lock bumping forums and you will be see how many people are actively or messing around with lock bumping.

For more information on lock bumping visit our public website at Lock Bumping .org.