Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Security Problem of Lock Bumping

A relatively new security problem in with San Clemente homes and their front doors is the threat of lock bumping, in which someone with a bump key can open most locks that are commonly used in homes.
In the 1970s, locksmiths in Denmark shared a technique for knocking on a lock cylinder while applying slight pressure to the back of the lock plug. When the pins would jump inside of the cylinder, the plug would be able to slide out freely, thus enabling the locksmith to disassemble the lock quickly.
also called key bumping or bump keying is a lock picking technique used to unlock standard pin tumbler cylinders with a bump key.
The bumping method could be misused by criminals to gain unlawful access with a bump key and is a growing problem globally. Bumping attacks are becoming widespread in international media as bump keys can be used to unlock most standard residential cylinder locks which are not bump resistant.
Most homes use standard cylinder locks which are vulnerable to lock bumping.
The bumping method is non-destructive. When a bump key is used to break into a house there may be no signs of forced entry or damage to the lock.

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