Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lock Bumping Information You Need to Know

If you just heard about lock bumping and are searching for more information about it then you can visit this public site Lock Bumping. They have a wealth of information about lock bumping. There are a few lock bumping videos out there that will scare the pants off you.  New and older homes and their front door security unless you have a new home say like homes in san clemente with expensive locks such as Schlage primus for added home security.  I have even seen some videos of how to lock bump. Lock bumping originated in Europe. It seems that in late 70's some locksmiths figured out how to compromise our conventional door locks. This was all well and good because the rest of the world knew nothing of this. But with the advent of internet and it was only a matter of time before this secret lock bumping technique got out and into the wrong hands. All you have to do is type in bump keys and you will get a bunch of companies selling the keys. There are a few lock bumping solutions out there. Security experts suggest that you light up your doors, get a dog or just put better high security locks on your doors. The high security locks cost around 150 each but it is well worth the piece of mind if you are really frightened by lock bumping and the though of someone have a key to your doors. I personally had to try lock bumping to see if it works. To my amazement it took me only 30 minutes or so to figure it out. I was truly amazed when the lock actually opened from this lock bumping technique.

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